Tag: stress

  • Can I ‘Digital Detox’ as a Social Media Manager?

    Can I ‘Digital Detox’ as a Social Media Manager?

    It seems like every few weeks someone makes a bold announcement: they will be leaving social media.  As lovely as that sounds, those working in social media, content creation, marketing or public relations, can’t exactly start the arduous journey of our peers—we can’t just log off completely.  But, social media managers probably face higher rates…

  • What I Wish I Knew Freshman Year of College

    What I Wish I Knew Freshman Year of College

    If I could go back to my first semester of college, I’d tell myself a few things.  My first week after moving into the dorms, I went straight into rush week. 1200 girls trying to get spots in sororities, knowing not everyone would end up with a spot. Immediately after that extremely stressful week, I…

  • Work-Life Lessons from Dolly Parton

    Work-Life Lessons from Dolly Parton

    In Adam Grant’s podcast Worklife, he asked Dolly Parton, country music angel, if she ever experienced burnout. She laughed, “I don’t have time to burn out, I’m burning up!”  I paused the podcast for a second. “I don’t have time to burn out. I’m burning up” If you know anything about Dolly, you know she…

  • 3 Ways to Be Bored Better

    3 Ways to Be Bored Better

    I babysat a lot in high school and immediately after finishing a game most kids would say: “I’m bored.”  I remember being bored as a kid. We don’t have as much to do and if you have screen time limits like I did you had to get creative.  I remember writing novels, coming up with…

  • Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    I read Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart the first week of 2022. I’m a huge fan of Brene’s work; I regularly listen to her podcasts and I’ve read three of her books. Atlas was unlike any of her other work. A cross between an encyclopedia and an atlas, Brene maps emotions across the coffee-table-worthy…

  • How to Beat Stress, Book Review of Burnout

    How to Beat Stress, Book Review of Burnout

    In Burnout, Emily and Amelia Nagoski explore the ways humans deal with excess stress. Here’s what I learned!