Tag: creativity

  • Elevate Your Work through Design

    Elevate Your Work through Design

    photo from Mika Baumester, unsplash.com I’m a words person. I’ve tried to avoid design in my work, but now school has forced me to learn InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva. Before public relations design, I didn’t know how important design was to an organization: it matters. Design tells the story of an organization, it captures…

  • Work-Life Lessons from Dolly Parton

    Work-Life Lessons from Dolly Parton

    In Adam Grant’s podcast Worklife, he asked Dolly Parton, country music angel, if she ever experienced burnout. She laughed, “I don’t have time to burn out, I’m burning up!”  I paused the podcast for a second. “I don’t have time to burn out. I’m burning up” If you know anything about Dolly, you know she…

  • 5 Ways to Be More Original, lessons from Adam Grant

    5 Ways to Be More Original, lessons from Adam Grant

    I only read about half of Adam Grant’s Originals before I knew it was a must-read. My previous perceptions of creativity and work were challenged in the first chapter.  Adam Grant is one of my favorites already. I regularly listen to his podcast Worklife and follow his Twitter, so when I picked up his book…

  • Learning InDesign: Tools for PR, Marketing and Communications

    Learning InDesign: Tools for PR, Marketing and Communications

    There are two powerful platforms for public relations design. I’m working on learning them. Read now for more on design in the communications space.

  • 3 Ways to Be Bored Better

    3 Ways to Be Bored Better

    I babysat a lot in high school and immediately after finishing a game most kids would say: “I’m bored.”  I remember being bored as a kid. We don’t have as much to do and if you have screen time limits like I did you had to get creative.  I remember writing novels, coming up with…

  • Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    I read Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart the first week of 2022. I’m a huge fan of Brene’s work; I regularly listen to her podcasts and I’ve read three of her books. Atlas was unlike any of her other work. A cross between an encyclopedia and an atlas, Brene maps emotions across the coffee-table-worthy…