Category: Book Reviews

  • Building Community is More Than Making Friends

    Building Community is More Than Making Friends

    Last week, my good friend text me a picture of Jennie Allen’s newest book Find Your People. I instantly started reading. It’s a short book—about 200 pages—and it dives into a lot of issues I’ve faced over the past couple of years, particularly with building community.  I’ve always been more of an introvert than an…

  • 5 Ways to Be More Original, lessons from Adam Grant

    5 Ways to Be More Original, lessons from Adam Grant

    I only read about half of Adam Grant’s Originals before I knew it was a must-read. My previous perceptions of creativity and work were challenged in the first chapter.  Adam Grant is one of my favorites already. I regularly listen to his podcast Worklife and follow his Twitter, so when I picked up his book…

  • Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    Mapping emotions: Thoughts on Atlas of the Heart

    I read Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart the first week of 2022. I’m a huge fan of Brene’s work; I regularly listen to her podcasts and I’ve read three of her books. Atlas was unlike any of her other work. A cross between an encyclopedia and an atlas, Brene maps emotions across the coffee-table-worthy…

  • How to Beat Stress, Book Review of Burnout

    How to Beat Stress, Book Review of Burnout

    In Burnout, Emily and Amelia Nagoski explore the ways humans deal with excess stress. Here’s what I learned!