
Building Community is More Than Making Friends

Last week, my good friend text me a picture of Jennie Allen’s newest book Find Your People. I instantly started reading. It’s a short book—about 200 pages—and it dives into a lot of issues I’ve faced over the past couple of years, particularly with building community.  I’ve always been more of an introvert than an…

6 Blog Writing Tips From 6 Months of Blogging

I’ve learned a lot about writing in the past few years as an English Lit minor and a public relations major. I’ve taken Public Relations Writing, and several classes requiring long-form papers and arguments, but blog writing was different. I found a different voice in my blog than in other writing. After writing for 6…

Elevate Your Work through Design

photo from Mika Baumester, I’m a words person. I’ve tried to avoid design in my work, but now school has forced me to learn InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva. Before public relations design, I didn’t know how important design was to an organization: it matters. Design tells the story of an organization, it captures…

I Ran a Half Marathon: Training, Race Day, What’s Next.

So I finished my second half-marathon run and FIRST Half-Marathon Race this weekend! It was a blast to run through all of Oklahoma City and be with friends and family who either ran or cheered me on.  Running a half marathon is a great distance to train for. You’re running a hard race, but you…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Halle. As a public relations professional, writing is at the core of what I do. This is my place to practice and refine my writing.